John 19:17-27: Timeline of Passion Week; second scourging; Barabbas released, Lu. 23:16; Matt. 27:26; Mk. 15:15; Jesus carrying his cross; crucifixion; two criminals, Is. 53:12; the inscription; lots cast over […]
CS John 19:1-16 Lesson 79
John 19:1-16: Jesus scourged; levels of flogging; crown of thorns; Pilate pronounced Jesus not guilty; Jew’s claim against Jesus, Lev. 24:16a; Pilate’s wife’s dream, Matt. 27:19; judgement seat.. NB: It […]
CS John 18:28-40 Lesson 78
John 18:28-40: Jesus before Pilate; praetorium; false accusations, Lu. 23:2; execution issues, Deut. 21:22-23; Gal. 3:13; King of the Jews; My kingdom not of this world; born to be king; […]
CS John 18:15-27 Lesson 77
John 18:15-27: Jesus deserted by his disciples, Mk. 14:50; Lu. 22:53; Annas; first trial-hearing Jesus struck and his response; Peter’s first denial; Jesus sent to Caiaphas for second hearing; Peter’s […]
CS John 18:1-14 Lesson 76
John 18:1-14: the betrayal; Kidron valley; the arresting party’s reaction to Jesus’ self-identification, Acts 9:4; Jesus protects the disciples, Peter and his sword, Lu. 22:49; Jesus heals Malcus’ ear, Lu. […]
CS John 17:17-26 Lesson 75
John 17:17-26: sanctify them in truth; 1 Cor. 1:2; 1Thess. 5:23; Jesus sent, disciples sent; unity of believers; mutual indwelling with the Father and the Son; shared glory with the […]
CS John 17:12-16 Lesson 74
John 17:12-16: Jesus prays for his disciples: the Father’s name revealed, know everything given to Jesus, Jesus from the Father, to be one; son of destruction, Rom. 9:22; Phil. 1:28; […]
CS John 17:7-11 Lessom 73
John 17:7 -11: Jesus prays for his disciples; revealing the name; they kept the word; they believe Jesus is from the Father; disciples glorifying Jesus; keep them in your name; […]
CS John 17:1-6 Lesson 72
John 17:1-6: Farewell Prayer of Jesus; Jesus prays for himself; the hour has come; to those given, eternal life; Jesus’ authority, Matt. 28:18; knowing the Father; pre-incarnate glory of Christ, […]
CS John 16: Review Lesson 71
John 16: Upper Room Discourse review: Glorification of God; love and the believer; Jesus preparing a place; way to the Father; peace of Christ; greater works; prayer; Holy Spirit’s ministry; […]