CS Romans 9:14:21: God’s love and hatred, Jn. 3:36; mercy on whom I have mercy, Ex. 33:19; Paul imaginary opponent’s questions; clay and the potter, Is. 64:8. NB It may […]
CS Romans 9:6-13 Lesson 44
Romans 9:6-13: Not all Israel are Israel; children of the promise; Seed not because of same father different mothers or same father and mother or one act of marriage; older […]
CS Romans 9:1-5 Lesson 43
Romans 9:1-5: Paul’s sorrow over Israel; himself accursed; Terms for Israel, Israel as adopted sons, Ex. 4:22-23. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start playing. […]
CS Romans 8:31-39 Lesson 42
CS Romans 8:31-39: God is for us; God justifies; Christ died for us and intercedes for us Heb. 7:25; Paul’s sufferings, 2 Cor. 11:26; 2 Cr. 12:9-10; Israel’s sufferings, Ps. […]
CS Romans 8:28:30 Lesson 41
Romans 8:28:30: Loving God, 1Jn. 5:3a; 1 Cor. 2:9;8:3; called, 2 Thess. 2:14; 1 Cor. 1:24; Jude 1:1; Rev. 17:14; conformed to Christ; predestined, Eph. 1:5; conformed, Phil. 3:21; 2 […]
CS Romans 8:24-27 Lesson 40
Romans 8:24-27: hope; waiting with perseverance; Spirit helping our weakness; inexpressible groanings; Spirit’s intercession, 1 Cor. 2:10-11. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start playing. […]
CS Romans 8:18-23 Lesson 39
Romans 8:18-23: Our sufferings compared to glory, 2 Cor. 4:17; creation awaits, Is. 55:12; creation’s futility, corruption, groaning and suffering; first fruits, Deut. 18:4; waiting for adoption as sons. NB […]
CS Romans 8:14-17 Lesson 38
Romans 8:14-17: Sons of God, Gal. 5:18; Spirit of adoption; Abba. Mk. 14:36; we are children of God; glorified with Christ, 1 Pe. 1:10. NB It may take several seconds […]
CS Romans 8:5-13 Lesson 37
Romans 8:5-13: mindset of the flesh; mindset of the Spirit; all believers have the Holy Spirit; Realm of Sin and Death; Realm of Grace and Life; Spirit is life; resurrection […]
CS Romans 8:1-4 Lesson 36
Romans 8:1-4: No condemnation for those in Christ; law of the Spirit of life; law of sin and death; Christ in the likeness of sinful flesh, Phil 2:7; Christ condemned […]