Romans 13:8-14: Love one another, so fulfilling the Law, Matt. 22:36-40; Lev. 19:18; Be ready for what is coming; knowing the time; put away deeds of darkness; live properly in […]
CS Romans 13:5-7 Lesson 64
Romans 13:5-7: The Divine Institution of Government; subjection to government: if basically good; government a servant of God; pay what is owed; respect the office, Acts 26:1-3, 24-25; rulers and […]
CS Romans 13:1-4 Lesson 63
Romans 13:1-4: be subject to governing authorities; no authority except from God, Prov. 8:15-16; Is. 40:23-24; resisting authority; condemnation from God, 1 Pet. 4:17; government as God’s servant; bear the […]
CS Romans 12:17-21 Lesson 62
Romans 12:17-21: Never pay back evil for evil; be thoughtful about what is right, Col. 4:5;1 Tim. 3:7; if possible, be at peace with all men; vengeance is the Lord’s, […]
CS Romans 12:10-16 Lesson 61
Romans 12:10-16: brotherly love; enthusiasm; fervent in the Spirit, rejoicing in hope, sharing with the needs of the saints, Acts 20:34; Tit. 3:14; hospitality, 1 Jn. 3:17; Blessing those who […]
CS Romans 12:9 Lesson 60
Romans 12:9: Love; Doctrine of Evil; hold fast to good. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start playing. To watch from this website- click […]
CS Romans 12:6-8 Lesson 59
Romans 12:6-8: Level 3 spiritual gifts; Gift of Prophecy; proper use of gifts: service, teaching, exhortation, contributor, 1 Jn. 3:17-18; leadership, 1 Tim. 5:17, mercy with cheerfulness. NB It may […]
CS Romans 12:3-5 Lesson 58
Romans 12:3-5: Levels of spiritual growth; Level 3; attitude and use of spiritual gifts, 1 Pet. 4:10; unity, diversity, mutuality of the church body; principles of spiritual gifts. NB It […]
CS Romans 12:2 Lesson 57
Romans 12:2: Full commitment; do not be conformed to the world; Gal. 1:3-5; 2 Cor. 4:4; be transformed; renewing the mind; will of God. NB It may take several seconds […]
CS Romans 12:1 Lesson 56
Romans 12:1: Present your bodies: as a sacrifice, for reasonable service; church services, Is. 1:10-13; 1 Cor. 11:17. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start […]