John 1:24-34: John is not: Christ, Elijah, the prophet; unworthiness of John; the Lamb of God, Rom. 3:23-25; higher rank; Jesus identified by the Spirit; Chosen One of God. NB […]
CS John 1:15-23 Lesson 4
John 1:15-23: John testifies about Jesus: his higher rank; his pre-existence; grace and truth through Jesus Christ; No one has seen God, Ex. 33:10-11; Deut. 34:10; the Son’s closeness to […]
CS John 1:13-14 Lesson 3
John 1:13-14: Our source of spiritual birth; saved by believing; unbeliever’s condition, Eph. 2:1-9; Tit. 3:5; Word became flesh; glory, Shekinah glory, Ex. 24:15-18; one and only; full of grace […]
CS John 1:5-12 Lesson 2
John 1:5-12: Jn. 8:12; light and darkness; John the Baptist: a witness, not the light; Jesus as the true light: into the world, not received; his own; right to become […]
CS John 1:1-4 Lesson 1
John 1:1-4: Background: author, purpose; Jn. 20:31; the Word: with God, was God; the Word as creator, Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2; as life, as light; light in the Bible, Ps. […]