John 15:21-22: Hatred and Persecution: of Christ, of the believer; no excuse at the Judgement Seat of Christ. NB: It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start […]
CS John 15:12-20 Lesson 65
John 15:12-20:John 15:12-20: Love one another; no greater love; sacrificial love; friends of Jesus; Love and Friendship; the world’s hatred toward believers; believers chosen out of the world, Eph. 2:1-2. […]
CS John 15:3-11 Lesson 64
John 15:3-11: allegory of the Vine: clean, abiding, Jn. 6:56; for fruit; the branch thrown out; cf. with the tares, Matt. 13:40-42; words abide in you; receiving what you ask […]
CS John 14:27-15:2 Lesson 63
John 14:27-15:2: Jesus gives peace; love and the word, Rom. 12:2; the Father greater than Jesus; the ruler of the world has no power over Jesus; allegory; Jesus as the […]
CS John 14:21-26 Lesson 62
John 14:21-26: love and obedience; Jesus disclosing himself to the believer; the Father and the Son mutually indwelling the believer, Rom. 8:9; the Father’s words, not Jesus’; the Holy Spirit […]
CS John 14:15-20 Lesson 61
John 14:15-20: love and obedience; another advocate: the Spirit of truth, believers know him, will be in the believer; Jesus coming to us; mutual indwelling of Christ and the believer. […]
CS John 14:4-14 Lesson 60
John 14:4:14: I Am the way; disciples have known and seen the Father; Philip wants to see the Father; The Father works and speaks through the Son; mutual indwelling of […]
CS John 14:2b-3 Lesson 59
John 14:2b-3: the double meaning; reader’s level; dwelling place; place prepared; Jesus coming to take believer to himself, 1 Thess. 4:15-18; deeper meaning; in Christ, 2 Cor. 5:17; place prepared […]
CS John 13:31-14 2a Lesson 58
CS John 13:31-14 2a: Upper Room Discourse; God glorified in Christ; Jesus going where disciples cannot go; a new commandment; mark of a disciple; love for believers and unbelievers, Gal. […]
CS John 13:18-30 Lesson 57
John 13:18-30: prediction of betrayal, Ps. 41:9; receiving Jesus is receiving the Father: disciples not knowing who will betray Jesus, Mk. 14:19; Peter asked who; Jesus identifies Judas; Satan enters […]