Survey OT: Genesis: Primeval History; toledoth; Abram; covenant people; election and covenant; monotheism; El, Yahweh, Shaddai; sin introduced.
CS Survey OT Pentateuch Lesson 3
Survey OT: Pentateuch: Literary overview; Suzerain covenants; Subcategories of the Law; traditional divisions; Historical reliability; Interpreting Pentateuch; NT and the Law.
CS Survey OT: Intro. II Lesson 2
Survey OT: Intro II: Interpreting the text; Geography of the Ancient Near East; Fertile Crescent; Mesopotamia; Early civilizations; Syro-Palestine; Egypt; Arabian Peninsula; Palestine; trade routes;Theological importance of the land.
CS Survey OT: Intro. I Lesson 1
CS Survey OT: Introduction I: Let God Speak; The Plan; His Presence; The Covenant; covenants in the ancient world; Old Testament; Authority; Reading your Bible; Interpreting the Text.
CS Daniel 9:11b Lesson 40
Daniel 11:b: The Mosaic Covenant, Ex. 19:7-8; blessings and cursings of the covenant, Lev. 26:1-46; curse poured out. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start […]
CS First Things Lesson 12 Your Bible Part 7
A brief look at the wisdom books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs; On Proverbs: the authors, what a proverb is, purpose of Proverbs. On Ecclesiastes: author, time when […]
CS First Things Lesson 11 Your Bible Part 6
We look at the placement of Esther in a timeline and then the book itself; an overview of 1st and 2nd Chronicles; A look at wisdom literature beginning with Job […]
CS First Things Lesson 10 Your Bible Part 5
This lesson covers the period of the deportations to Babylon, the exile and the returns to Judah; the rebuilding of the temple and the walls of Jerusalem. Ezekiel, Lamentations, Ezra, […]
CS First things Lesson 9 Your Bible Part 4
The Southern Kingdom of Judah’s kings are briefly looked at along with the prophets and the major world powers of that day. This basic understanding gives us a beginning of […]
CS First Things Lesson 8 Your Bible Part 3
A look at Solomon, the kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel with a glance at the prophets Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Amos and Hosea. NB It may take several seconds […]