Romans 6:19-23: slaves to righteousness; sanctification; freed from sin; enslaved to God, Gal. 6:7-8; wages of sin; Life in Sin; Life of Righteousness. NB It may take several seconds for […]
Romans 6:14-18 Lesson 27
Romans 6:14-18: Sin has no power over us; Overview of the History of the Mosaic Law; Purposes of Mosaic Law; Law and the Realm of Sin; Under Grace; slaves of […]
Romans 6:8-13 Lesson 26
Romans 6:8-13: the corruptable body and the sin nature; Jesus’ humanity; the significance of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for Christian living, Acts 2:24; 2 Cor. 5:15; Preventive Measures to […]
Romans 6:1-7 Lesson 25
Romans 6:1-7: Baptized into Christ’s death, Mark 10:38; buried with Him; newness of life, Jn. 11:40; united in the likeness of His resurrection; old man crucified; freed from sin. NB […]
Romans 5:19-21 Lesson 24
Romans 5:19-21: Contrasting the disobedience of Adam with the obedience of Christ; Law came to increase transgression; sin reigned in death; grace reigned to eternal life; Erroneous Teaching of Imputation […]
Romans 5:13-18 Lesson 23
Romans 5:13-18: sin in the world before the Law; taken into account, Phile. 18; transgression of Adam, Gen. 2:17; Adam as type; by one many died, condemnation; one act of […]
Romans 5:12 Lesson 22
Romans 5:12: Doctrine of Reconciliation; Sin, the spread of sin and death started with Adam. NB It may take several seconds for the longer videos to start playing. To watch […]
Romans 5:6-11 Lesson 21
Romans 5:6-11: ungodly; human love in contrast to God’s love; God’s love toward us; greater to lesser arguments: justified then saved from wrath, reconciled then saved by his life; enemies […]
Romans 5:1-5 Lesson 20
Romans 5:1-5:Two sides of peace. Rom. 10:15;Is. 52:7; the realm of grace; exulting in sufferings; perseverance; tested character; hope; pouring out of God’s love. NB It may take several seconds […]
Romans 4:18b-25 Lesson 19
Romans 4:18b-25: Abraham times of weakness; Sarai to Sarah; Abraham’s circumcision, Gen. 17:15-26; Abraham’s time of strength; differences in Abraham’s object of faith and the Christian’s, Is. 53:12. NB It […]