Proverbs 16:22-33: Good speaker; Bad speaker; whisperer; man of violence; gray hair as a crown; good temperament; man’s choice and sovereignty of God.
God’s Plan Lesson 1
God’s Plan: The Plan; God’s Revelation Connection to Man; Warning; Redemption; Dispensationalism; Brief History of Dispensationalism.
Acts 28:1-31 Lesson 50
Acts 28:1-31: Paul on Malta; snake bit; no harm; healing of Publius’s father; at Syacuse; to Italy and Rome; met with Christians; speaks to Jewish leaders about KOG with split […]
Acts 27:1-44 Lesson 49
Acts 27:1-44: Sailing to Italy; island hopping; dangerous voyage ;Yom Kippur; Paul’s warning; violent storm; angelic visit; land!; all safe.