Proverbs 16:10-21 Lesson 44; The king’s judgements; the Lord’s just scales; a righteous king; his wrath; pride before destruction.
Proverbs 16:10-21 Lesson 44
Proverbs 16:10-21 Lesson 44; The king’s judgements; Lord’s just scales; a righteous king; his wrath; pride before destruction.
Acts 26:1-32 Lesson 48
Acts 26:1-32: Paul’s defense at the informal trail before Agrippa; as a Pharisee; his conversion; his mission; Agrippa responds to Paul; Paul declared innocent in private.
Acts 25:1-27 Lesson 47
Acts 25:1-27: plan by religious leaders to murder Paul; before Festus; Paul’s defense; his appeal to Caesar; before Agrippa and Bernice; no criminal offense by Paul.
CS Proverbs 15:30-16:9 Lesson 50
Proverbs 15:30-16:9: Importance of hearing good instruction; The LORD’s rule; commit your work; man’s plans-the LORD’s answer.
Proverbs 15:30-16:9 Lesson 43
Proverbs 15:30-16:9: Importance of hearing good instruction; The LORD’s rule; commit your work; man’s plans-the LORD’s answer.
Acts 24:1-27 Lesson 46
Acts 24:1-27: Paul’s hearing at Caesarea; Nazarenes; charges against Paul; Paul’s defense; Felix and Drusilla; Paul in custody for two years; Festus.
Acts 23:10-35 Lesson 45
Acts 23:10-35: Paul rescued by soldiers; Lord’s promises Paul that he will go to Rome; another Jewish plot; plot reported to tribute; sent to Caesarea to Felix.
CS Survey OT: Malachi Lesson 43
Malachi: Israel’s covenant relationship with Yahweh; Marriage and Divorce; Elijah the prophet.
Survey OT: Malachi: Lesson 43
Malachi: Israel’s covenant relationship with Yahweh; Marriage and Divorce; Elijah the prophet.